Barrel-Style Tile

Both our 24-Gauge Barrel Style Metal Tile and .032” Barrel Style Aluminum Tile Roofing Systems offer the best of both worlds with the traditional look of classic clay tile and uplift performance that is unmatched in the industry.

Our Barrel Style Metal Tile Roofing System is manufactured from 24 Gauge (G-90) Steel. Engineered at 312 MPH and Uplift Tested with a FIELD design pressure of -204.25 PSF; it is the industry's strongest metal tile panel.

Miami-Dade County Approved NOA No. 21-0202.05

FMRP Selected for the Palm Gardens Condominiums in St. Thomas, USVI

February 2019

After Hurricanes Irma and Maria hit the USVI’s, there was a collective effort to rebuild stronger and better. There were many products considered for re-roofing this Condominium project. Ultimately, the uplift resistance of FMRP’s 24 Gauge Barrel Style Metal Tile Roofing System with it’s 204.5 PSF design pressure made it an obvious choice.

Florida Metal Roofing Products, Inc. supplied 19,400 SF of our 24 Gauge Barrel Style Metal Tile in a Slate Blue Kynar 500 panel for the 5 Buildings.

Installation was completed in February 2019 by Impact Construction VI in St. Thomas, USVI.

Updated: June 26, 2020 — 1:30 pm
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